50 Cent Gamma Trades is a Trade Call service by a veteran Chicago Board of Trade member, Alan Knuckman. The Trade alerts are derived off of a 4 part multivariate algorithm, know to traders as the 4- Tiered Gamma System. In this 50 Cent Gamma Trades Review we have a look at the suitability of the product in boosting a trader’s return on investment and consistency in profitability.

Product: 50 Cent Gamma Trades
Main Trader: Alan Knuckman
Company: Elite Money Trader
Product Type: Trade Calls Subscription based on Alan Knuckman’s proprietary 4-Tiered Gamma System
Price: $1497 Annual or $1997 for 2 years
Official Website: Click Here (opens in new tab
Since Covid happened the markets have been unpredictable. The chaos has since, thrown off-balance trading strategies that have proven to work for decades. In this regard we have been on the look out for ‘Crisis-Safe’ Strategies, that have proven consistently profitable before, during and after covid.
Alan Knuckman, has been trading at the Chicago Board of Trade since 1991. Over the years, he has seasoned to become a professional trader. Numerous times he has appeared on leading financial media networks like: CNBC, Fox News, CNN and Bloomberg.
In the past couple of years Alex has ventured into financial education imparting thousands of traders. One has to admit, financial literacy has been lacking for most traders. I don’t blame trader’s for this, as trading and learning is sometimes like a chicken egg situation. Much of the financial knowledge that leads to profit may only be acquired when one dips their feet to trade the markets practically. It’s therefore paramount that a trader would stay guided by a professional to make profit immediately they start trading as they sharpen their skills along the way.
Introducing 50 Cent Gamma Trades
Alex and team are providing a Trader’s Guide on how to identify 50 Cent Gamma Trades when they are forming. In addition, one may subscribe to the 4-Tiered Trade Alert service so as to make money starting from day one.
The Trades are sent out weekly and may not be suitable for investors who would want long term investment.
Whereas bluechip companies who are the main target of this service, a trader wouldn’t have to buy the stock, when you’ve got options trading for 20 and 30 cents.
Lately, there has been increased volatility in the markets. The market’s chaos brings about tons of noise. A strategy that filter’s out the noise, to protect a trader from volatility is the one to go for.
We therefore highly recommend 50 Cent Gamma Trades, 4-Tiered Trade Alert service for every trader and investor that has the time to enter and exit trades, atleast once per week.